2014 - Hackensack, NJ | Net It On


    In a survey by Cyber-Ark, close to half of employees interviewed admitted that if they were fired tomorrow, they would take with them their former company's proprietary data. This is a shocking revelation considering how much you trust your current staff, maybe even to the point of referring to them as "family." What can you do to protect your business from a former employee with ill intentions?

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    The cloud is becoming a very important part of the modern-day business, and for good reason. It frees companies from the restricting physical nature of servers, desktops, and other hardware. In fact, according to Joe McKendrick of Forbes magazine, four-out-of-five small businesses will soon operate on the cloud.

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    The Target data breach seems but a distant memory now, yet the same malware strikes again, this time at Home Depot. The hacking attack targeted the millions of credit and debit cards used at these large retailers, but these attacks could have been mitigated with proper precaution.

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    Data centers are truly modern marvels. These warehouses full of servers are responsible for harboring most of the Internet, and these facilities are popping up all over the place. As great as data centers are, according to a new study by the National Resources Defense Council, the increasing demand for data doesn't bode well for the environment.

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    For people that have super-busy schedules, reading books seems like a luxury, but somehow, the most successful people always seem to have time to read the latest publications pertaining to their field. How do they do it? Many avid book readers have a little help.

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    What's the licensing status of your company's software look like? If you've not been intentional about this, then your business may be using several unlicensed applications. You may be thinking, "Everything works fine. No big deal." Sure, it's no big deal--until you're caught!

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    It's back to school time and the battle of getting your kids to play less video games so they can get their homework done begins anew. What if a fun video game can teach your kid a marketable skill like programming? This is the case with the popular video game by Mojang, Minecraft.

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    Tablets are definitely becoming a staple in the consumer electronics world. For the longest time, the tablet PC was an expensive, clunky device that just didn't wow consumers. Some businesses had adopted tablets back in the day, but they were difficult to use, hard to support, and they simply didn't perform for the price tag. However, like many consumer electronics, Apple reinvigorated the tablet market with the original iPad, and now it would seem tablets are here to stay. The question is, are they right for businesses?

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    Saving a little on your technology can go a long ways, but cutting too many corners can lead to additional problems and expensive downtime. Here are a few ways you can cut costs without creating long term issues.

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    When you mention the term 'disaster recovery,' most people think about the big ground-shattering events like earthquakes, fires, floods, tropical storms, etc. While these natural events are certainly disasters and devastating in their own right, smaller things can constitute as a disaster for your business, and they aren't seasonal.

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