If the fact that you can enable Windows to save a list of your most often-used lines of text is news to you, I offer you my sympathies. You’ve missed a lot of potential productivity in the years since Microsoft added clipboard history functionality.
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Google Chrome takes the idea of a bookmark feature further than most other browsers. Instead of simply saving certain web pages for repeated viewing, Google Saved (a feature previously known as Google Collections) gives you a place to keep track of pages you want to return to later. But it’s more than just a simple bookmark; let’s take a closer look at Google Saved and how it works.
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People interact with more organizations and companies online today than ever before. Many of these organizations collect personal information to help them improve their operations or to build an outside revenue stream. These business-first initiatives can put individual data at risk. Today, we’ll discuss what you need to know about data privacy.
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Businesses need tools to help their employees collaborate, and thankfully, there has never been a better time to find the ideal solution that works for your specific needs. Since so many individuals work remotely these days, developers have prioritized collaboration, and all businesses reap the benefits of this trend. One of the keys to effective collaboration is file sharing; nowadays, it’s never been easier to do it easily and efficiently.
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Since mobile technology infiltrated the mainstream office, businesses have embraced it as a valuable communication tool. That said, mobile devices are also keys allowing hackers and other potential thieves access to your most inner sanctums. Today, we want to go over some of the options you have for mobile device management and why it’s such an important concept for your business.
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Data privacy is one of those issues that people find more serious the more they know about it. Most people don’t think much about it because they figure they are just one person and don’t move the needle for people looking to collect data. They couldn’t be more wrong. This week we’ll discuss individual data privacy, considerations individuals should have, and what to do to keep your data safe.
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If you are a frequent reader of this blog, you’ve seen articles about blockchain before. This week we thought we’d go a different direction and take a look at the question of whether or not cryptocurrency, a construct made possible by blockchain technology, should be made taxable by state, federal, and international lawmakers. Let’s take a look at blockchain, its role in cryptocurrency, and whether or not taxation is on the agenda down the road.
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If you're not paying for a product, the saying goes, you are the product.
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In June, Chicken Soup for the Soul Entertainment—publisher of the eponymous Chicken Soup for the Soul book series—officially filed for Chapter 7 and then Chapter 11 bankruptcy, spurring the liquidation of many of its assets. Many may not realize that these assets include Redbox, the movie rental service, with its 24,000 distinctive scarlet kiosks.
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Many people still underestimate the importance of cybersecurity and data privacy, putting themselves and others at risk. Most individuals are accustomed to sharing personal information online, whether through social media, e-commerce platforms, or various digital services. However, this lack of caution can lead to serious security breaches, identity theft, and even financial fraud. When people fail to take basic security measures, such as using strong passwords or enabling two-factor authentication, they create vulnerabilities that malicious actors can exploit. These weaknesses don’t just impact them personally but also expose organizations and communities to cyberattacks.
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