2018 - Hackensack, NJ | Net It On


    Social media is a big part of just about anyone’s online presence nowadays, whether it’s a personal profile or a business page filled with contact information. While the various uses for social media will differ depending on who’s actually using it, it’s not stretching the imagination to think of social media as an extension of either oneself or one’s business. With this, however, comes a need to understand the security ramifications of its reckless use, as well as how it can influence your organization’s reputation.

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    Communications in the business world are something that’s absolutely critical to success, but goes through so many changes that it can be mind-boggling just to keep up. Thankfully, the latest and greatest solutions make it easy for small businesses to save money while also enabling them to improve the capabilities they already have.

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    Every business (and every individual, for that matter) needs to be wary of Internet scams and other online tricks. This is because those scammers are wily and have many means of finding a user in a compromising position… or so they claim in a recent scam.

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    As a business owner, it’s your responsibility to keep an eye on how your staff communicates. Email and telephone have long been staples in this regard, and these solutions come packed with features like file storage and instant messaging. With more organizations taking their businesses on the go, these businesses are trying to take advantage of applications with the ability to integrate with their real-time messaging apps. Enter: Slack and Microsoft Teams, two solutions that hope to change the way business communications work.

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    Simulations are a common thing in many science fiction movies. Perhaps it’s an image on a screen that dictates what could happen as the result of a particular action. Maybe it’s a simulation of a certain event. Either way, the fact remains that something like this--previously relegated only to the realm of sci-fi--has now been brought to the technology industry in the form of a digital twin.

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    IT is extremely important for not just enterprises, but small businesses as well. IT administrators are able to save businesses a considerable sum just by monitoring and maintaining network infrastructures. By carefully looking after systems, downtime can be reduced, leading to more resources being available for other purposes. Of course, considering the fact that an organization’s network can quickly grow far beyond expectations, this task becomes much easier said than done.

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    It takes a lot of work and determination to make a successful small business. There are countless parts that need to be managed and maintained--so many that it can be difficult to assign a priority at times. There are certain requirements that your organization must achieve in order to remain successful, but it takes a little more than just business savvy to keep your organization ahead of the game. Let’s take a look at some of the ways your business can make itself stand out and achieve success.

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    You would be hard-pressed to find a better-known software suite than Microsoft Office, Microsoft Word probably leading the pack in terms of name recognition. When a solution is so well-known, it can be hard to call anyone who uses it a power user. However, for this week’s tip, we’re doing a deep dive into its capabilities to take your use of Word a few steps up.

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    Regardless of the policies your company sets, your employees are going to have their mobile devices on them; and, depending on their circumstances, they may be tempted to use them to further their work processes. While this may have been cause for concern at one point, there are now methods, collectively known as Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), that allow you to leverage these tendencies.

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    While data backup is a necessary component to any modern business’ success, the idea itself certainly isn’t modern. The act of protecting information dates back to before dates were even an inkling, when humanity was still writing data on cave walls to preserve it and notching animal bones to aid in primitive mathematics. Let’s review the history of data preservation, and how we’ve gotten to our current point.

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