Backup Tag - Hackensack, NJ | Net It On


    If you’re a heavy tech user, then eventually, your photos, apps, and videos will take up all the space on your mobile device’s hard drive, making it impossible to add anything new. Plus, Murphy’s Law states that this will happen at the worst possible time, like while you’re recording your kid’s recital. Follow these four tips and don’t get stuck with a lack of space.

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    A thorough data backup is important for your business continuity plan, and so is a fast and efficient disaster recovery solution. What's that? Aren't those the same thing? Unfortunately, the two concepts are far from the same thing, but many business owners are still under the impression that their data backup is also a disaster recovery solution.

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    When you mention the term 'disaster recovery,' most people think about the big ground-shattering events like earthquakes, fires, floods, tropical storms, etc. While these natural events are certainly disasters and devastating in their own right, smaller things can constitute as a disaster for your business, and they aren't seasonal.

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