Small Business Tag - Hackensack, NJ | Net It On


    Many business owners struggle with technology that doesn’t meet their needs. We often hear from companies disappointed with their technology investments because they lack the right tools.

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    Your business’ IT is not just a minor component; it’s deeply woven into the fabric of your business. Today, we’ll briefly explore how technology and culture converge inside today’s businesses.

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    Making IT decisions while balancing the user experience—including their complaints—can be exhausting. As a decision maker for your business, you have a budget to consider, as well as a timeline to manage. You’ll have to say no, which no one likes to hear, but it’s a necessary part of running your organization effectively.

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    Spoiler alert: They certainly are.

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    Businesses cannot run without technology. This relationship has only grown more complicated and complex over time, and with so many businesses depending on their technology in ways never before seen, you’ll have to understand just how great of an impact your technology has on the way your organization runs. Here are three ways you can implement the right tools to see increased success.

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    Whether you like it or not, organizations are going to get hacked. It’s the cruel truth. There are just so many individuals and organizations looking to gain unauthorized access and siphon off data and money from businesses, that it is basically impossible to go long stretches of time to not have to confront it in some way. With the threat landscape what it is, companies now offer cyber insurance. Let’s take a quick look at cyber insurance and what you need to know about it.

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    Without sufficient communications within your business, you won’t be able to accomplish nearly as much as you potentially could with the proper systems in place. Let’s review a few tips that will help you to stretch your business’ collaboration that much farther.

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    Remember when you needed a wired connection between two endpoints in order to access important materials for your business? Thanks to wireless connectivity, businesses can now access online materials in a much easier fashion. The question then becomes, how does a wired connection improve your operations, and is it a benefit for your organization?

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    One of the biggest questions that was routinely asked to IT administrators before the COVID-19 pandemic shifted everything was, “How can we use the Internet of Things to Improve Your Business?” The answer isn’t as simple as you might think. Today, we will look at what benefits the Internet of Things can present to you and whether or not they can make a difference for the average small business.

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    We’ve come a long way since 1879 and the invention of the cash register. Today, point-of-sale (POS) solutions offer massive benefits to businesses who take advantage of their capabilities. Let’s go over how these capabilities can help the modern business and its owner.

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