Tip of the Week Tag - Hackensack, NJ | Net It On


    If you want to secure your online accounts, then this starts with proper password practices. A good password can make all the difference in securing an account, and despite us constantly advocating for additional solutions and security measures, you should never discredit the importance of a password. Let’s go over some of the best ways you can use better passwords in your day-to-day lives.

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    If you have ever asked yourself if it’s possible to protect a specific file or folder on your computer using built-in Windows functionality, then the answer is yes, it is possible. With some very basic file encryption, you can protect a file on your computer… as long as you aren’t expecting military-grade encryption or security, anyway.

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    If you use Microsoft Word as your word processor of choice, then you know it’s a great solution, but you might not be getting the most value out of it. To help you get more value out of Word, we’ve put together four quick and easy tips that can help you organize and format your documents so they can look their best.

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    If you have ever tried to wrestle with an out-of-control inbox, then you know it can be a challenge. You receive countless emails every day, and if you don’t find a way to handle them all, it can be challenging to stay on task. How can you make sure that your inbox organization isn’t putting your productivity on the line?

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    You need to be sure that your business is prepared for disaster, which will necessitate a disaster recovery plan. While there are many steps that go into creating one, we wanted to highlight a few in particular and outline a few best practices to follow for each. Here are three of the most vital elements of a successful business continuity strategy, with a few tips to help you fulfill them most effectively.

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    Calls from telemarketers are the worst. These unwelcomed calls are especially annoying if you’re trying to be productive, and you’re interrupted in the middle of the workday by the same number repeatedly. Thankfully, more recent models of Android smartphones have the capabilities to blacklist numbers built right into the device. Here’s how it’s done.

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    Businesses are in a tough spot right now, which makes their costs an even bigger issue for them to keep in mind. Luckily for businesses everywhere, however, many technologies are available now that can greatly benefit their operations—without being unattainable due to their price. Let’s consider five such technologies and strategies that can bring productivity and efficiency without sending you into the red.

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    As much as we all rely on emails throughout the workday, they can be an intense pain to manage, which only makes it a hassle to deal with and can actively make it less useful for your users. We want to help you avoid this outcome, so we’re sharing a few tips to make the management of your email that much more effective.

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    Phishing attacks are a very common threat nowadays. Between the classic message from a supposed Nigerian Prince to a sudden and urgent email from the bank with attachment in tow, we’ve all seen our share of them. That’s the trick to stopping them—being able to spot them. Let’s go over five signals that a message may be a phishing attempt.

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    Today’s software solutions are hugely benefited by the collaborative capabilities that are now included in them, but this is not to say that there isn’t the potential for confusion as people make changes to documents. Some software lets you track these changes, which is particularly useful in particularly dense applications like Microsoft Excel.

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