December 2022 - Hackensack, NJ | Net It On


    Google Chrome can really eat away at your battery if you let it, and with Chrome being such a high-use application, Google has a feature (albeit a hidden one) that can help users consume less battery life with Google Chrome active. This new feature, available in Chrome version 108, is called Energy Saver. What do you need to know about it before implementing it?

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    Without sufficient communications within your business, you won’t be able to accomplish nearly as much as you potentially could with the proper systems in place. Let’s review a few tips that will help you to stretch your business’ collaboration that much farther.

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    Technology is a major player in today’s business environment, and in most cases, companies have someone in their executive suite whose sole purpose is overseeing their technology systems. This individual—the Chief Information Officer, or CIO—is incredibly important to the everyday operations of businesses.

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    Cybersecurity definitely needs to be a point of emphasis for any business who relies on technology, after all if you suffer a data breach, it can have a direct impact on the way your business is viewed by potential customers or it can even have an effect on the way that you are able to operate. In order to keep your business secure online you need to depend on your staff. Like it or not, they are a major part of your business’ cybersecurity system and if they aren’t trained properly and understand their role, your business is low-hanging fruit for hackers. 

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) has become one of the fastest growing technology industries in history. As of 2022, there are over 14 billion connected devices on the IoT with the number to reach over 20 billion by the end of 2026. With that many devices, you may find yourself wondering what types of devices they are. Today, we’ll go through exactly what devices make up the IoT and how to get the IoT to work for your business. 

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    Google Drive comes with a pre-built feature allowing users to scan a picture or document, and save it as a PDF—at least for Android smartphones. The trick can be pulled off with just a couple of taps, making it easier than ever to import documents to your Drive. Here’s how it’s done.

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    You’ve probably seen QR codes all over the place, especially now that everyone has a built-in scanner right on their smartphone’s camera. They provide businesses with quick and easy ways to share information about resources, whether those resources are instruction manuals, assembly directions, restaurant menus, or even business cards. You can easily make QR codes for your business using a built-in Google Chrome feature.

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    If a business seeks to make important decisions, there is always going to be a little bit of hesitation. After all, the wrong choice could mean financial or operational ramifications. Therefore, the most logical way to approach these decisions is to maximize the value you get out of your investments. Today, we want to focus on how technology can be a driving factor for maximizing your business’ value from major decisions.

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    Sometimes, I kind of miss the oh-too-obvious spam emails that were once the norm. You know, the kind that were supposedly from some usurped royal who needed your assistance to reclaim their rightful place on the throne, or from some absurdly attractive individual who seemed to be coming on to you. Sure, at the time it was annoying, but compared to today’s spam…

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    We started this series on web browsers by focusing on the biggest of them all: Google. Now it’s time to look at some of the other options users have for their search engine needs. This time, we’re focusing on Bing, Microsoft’s proprietary search engine, and DuckDuckGo, a different search engine altogether.

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