Google Tag - Hackensack, NJ | Net It On


    If your business uses Gmail as its preferred email client, then you know that it’s a great way to keep communications running smoothly. Sometimes, however, a message might fall through the cracks, and you’ll need to locate it in order to acquire certain information. Gmail has made it easy to locate lost messages with their search feature.

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    Have you ever felt like you shouldn’t have sent that angry email? Do you second-guess yourself right before sending someone a stern talking-to? With Gmail’s new Undo Send feature, you have the opportunity to take back words that might not have been deserved, or simple mistakes that were meant for someone else. You have to think on your feet, though; the clock is ticking down every second you waste.

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    As the world’s most popular search engine, Google has been known as an innovator for a long time. Google’s worldwide popularity has even turned its name into a verb: “to google,” or to search for something using Google. Despite its rather prestigious reputation, the developers at Google still know how to have a good time, as evidenced by their wide array of hidden Easter eggs.

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    Microsoft’s Internet Explorer is one of the most widely used web browsers, despite the fact that it has a tendency to crash from time to time. In order to improve the product and prevent future bugs, glitches, and crashes, IE creates an error report after every crash. Most of these reports go unsent, or so Microsoft thought.

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