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    Billions of people who find themselves on the Internet depend on the use of Google Search to find what they are looking for. What actually happens when you click on the “search,” though? Today, we want to discuss how the search engine works so you can get a better idea of what goes on behind the scenes.

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    Google Chrome is one of the most utilized Internet browsers in service and it is because it is constantly being updated with new features. One of the newest features Google has added is the ability for users to save tabs for later reading. Today, we’ll briefly go through the process.

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    Microsoft and Google offer work profile systems that can help you keep your personal life and professional life on the same mobile device, albeit separate. These are often found with enterprise settings that allow for greater security and control over how employees use their devices for work duties. Let’s look at how the work profiles function for Microsoft and Google.

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    Since 2019, Google has had a feature built into their Chrome browser called Enhanced Safe Browsing. Intended to help prevent phishing attacks, this feature effectively steps in to warn users about links that it deems suspicious. More recently, this feature was added directly to Gmail. Let’s talk about how to enable it… and why you might actually want to think twice about doing so.

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    On September 15, 1997, Google registered its domain and began its climb to the top of the search engine ladder. It began as a simple search engine, but since then it has seen immense growth as it continues to develop platforms and services through its parent company, Alphabet. There is a certain nostalgia attached to Google Search, and the company regularly includes little tidbits with the feature that people find fun: Easter Eggs.

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    Google Docs is a wonderful tool that can rival the ubiquitous Microsoft Word, and as such, it’s used by all kinds of individuals, from business professionals to the average user with a personal account. However, there is one slight annoyance that you might face while using Docs, and that’s the fact that you cannot right-click on images and save them to your PC. Or can you? Let’s find out.

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    What measures do you take to protect your employees and business from the dangers found on the Internet? One major company, Google, is implementing some extreme measures to protect against online threats. In this pilot program, the Internet is simply not available to its workers. How is Google—a company notorious for its search engine and web-related technology—making do with minimal access to the Internet? The answer might surprise you.

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    It’s no secret that Google has a monopoly on the search engine market, but have you ever wondered how it maintains this stranglehold when other equally capable competitors, like Apple, could produce similar products? Well, it’s not as simple as you might think, and it even involves a considerable amount of funds that influence Apple’s decision.

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    Remember Google+? It was Google’s attempt at making a social media platform, and while it ultimately was not successful, it did have some interesting features that eventually made their way to other parts of Google’s growing list of business and enterprise services. Now, Google+’s legacy is in its final moments, as Google plans to shut down the Currents service this upcoming July.

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    Google Chrome consumes your battery a lot faster than you might think, but Google has started to take steps toward implementing a feature that could potentially help users get more battery life while using their web browser. This new feature, an experimental one implemented with Chrome version 108, could potentially be a game-changer for both personal and professional Chrome use.

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